Our Blogs

Can Teething Cause Diarrhea? What You Need to Know About Your Baby’s Health
You’re knee-deep in parenting challenges, juggling multiple dirty diapers and a fussy baby. It hits you as you rock your little one back to sleep:

How Long Does Teething Last? Signs, Symptoms, and What to Expect
Teething is a significant developmental milestone for babies, but it can be challenging for both parents and infants. How long does teething last? Typically, a
Is Denture Stabilization Same as Implants?
For many patients at Palisades Dental Care, the question arises: “Is denture stabilization the same as implants?” While dentures have long been a trusted solution
Is Cosmetic Dentistry Healthy? – Exploring the Benefits & Risks
The first thing you notice about a person is their smile. The need to perfect our smile and enhance our appearance is slowly transforming into
Do Cosmetic Dentists Fill Cavities? – Exploring Beyond the Aesthetics
When we think of cosmetic dentistry, images of dazzling smiles, perfectly aligned teeth, and sparkling veneers often come to mind. However, amidst the gleaming smiles
Do You Sleep with Invisalign? Everything You Need To Know
If you want to straighten your teeth using Invisalign, then you must be wondering what happens when you go to bed. Do you sleep with